Shurley Instructional Materials (2025)

Shurley English: Homeschooling Edition

Shurley Instructional Materials (1)

Homeschooling Kit

Levels 1-6

Materials for each grade level are sold in a kit package. A kit contains everything needed to teach one student for an entire school year. Each kit contains the following three items: one Teacher's Manual, one Student Workbook, and one Introductory CD.

Shurley Instructional Materials (2)

Teacher's Manual

Levels 1-6

Kit Component

The Teacher's Manual is the heart of the program at every level. Each lesson in the manual begins with a planning box, which contains lesson objectives. Scripted lessons provide you with the exact words for the Question & Answer Flows, questioning strategies, and the teaching techniques that make this program consistent for all grade levels. The Teacher's Manual also includes modification strategies, classroom activities, enrichment ideas, and answer keys.

Shurley Instructional Materials (3)

Sample Teacher Lessons: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Note: Bible-related activities, writing assignments, and sentences with a religious tone are found in some levels of the Shurley English Homeschool curriculum. They are optional and are intended as bonus activities.

*The Teacher's Manual is included in a Kit and may not be purchased separately.

Shurley Instructional Materials (4)

Student Workbook

Levels 1-6

Kit Component

Shurley English places special emphasis on parent-child interaction and participation. In Shurley English, the children have workbooks, not textbooks, to practice and test their acquired knowledge and skills. The Student Workbook contains a Jingle Section, a Reference Section, a Practice Section, and a Test Section. The Jingle Section contains all the jingles. The Reference Section includes vocabulary words, guided practices, samples, guidelines, and charts. The Practice Section provides extra practice on the various skills taught before the skills are tested. The Test Section contains the tests for each chapter. Each test is divided into four basic areas: grammar, vocabulary, language skills, and a summary for the week.

Note: One Student Workbook is included in a Kit. For home educators who are teaching more than one student in a level, additional student workbooks can be ordered separately.

Shurley Instructional Materials (5)

Sample Student Workbook Pages: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Shurley Instructional Materials (6)

Homeschool Audio CD: Introductory

Levels 1-6

Kit Component

The introductory CD provides the jingles and the Question & Answer Flows for the Introductory Sentences found in the Teacher's Manual. The audio CD may be used to demonstrate jingles and Question & Answer Flows to students. It may also be used as a resource for the parents.

Shurley Instructional Materials (7)

Practice Set

Levels 1-6

A Practice Set consists of the Practice Booklet and two Practice CDs. This set allows you to have both practice tools at your disposal, but at a discounted rate. (See individual descriptions below.)

Shurley Instructional Materials (8)

Practice Booklet

Levels 1-6

The Introductory and Practice Sentences found in the Teacher's Manual are available in an easy-to-use student booklet that is a great time-saver for the teacher and the student. Sentences are classified in the Practice Booklet instead of writing them on the board or on notebook paper. Sentences are in large print and grouped by chapter and lesson.

Note: The booklet in the Practice Set contains the Introductory and Practice Sentences from the daily oral lessons in the Teacher's Manual. The booklet does not contain additional sentences for extra practice.

Shurley Instructional Materials (9)

Practice CD

Levels 1-6

The two Practice CDs give students an opportunity to hear each of the Practice Sentences read and classified aloud. Students can follow along with the Practice CDs to reinforce what they have learned. Students can use the Practice CDs to check their work in the Practice Booklet independently.

Shurley Instructional Materials (10)

Writing Folder

Levels 3-8

The Shurley English Writing Folder will help your students move through the writing process with ease. This foldout, four-pocket folder keeps students organized with a dedicated space for their prewriting, rough draft, revised draft, and edited paper. It is packed with handy references, checklists, and tips to ensure students have exactly what they need to produce a polished piece of writing. Recommended for Shurley English Levels 3-8. Size: 9" x 12"

Shurley Instructional Materials (11)

Literature Selections

Levels 1-6

The Literature Selections booklet gives your child a unique exposure to contemporary and non-contemporary authors. A set of discussion questions follows each story or poem to evaluate comprehension and inference. Literature vocabulary is also introduced. These selections are a fun and exciting way for students to begin the study of literature.

*Out of print material. Limited quantities.

Shurley Instructional Materials (12)

Sentence Booklet: Extra Practice

Levels 1-6

The Sentence Booklet is a consumable workbook intended to support your study of Shurley English and our unique approach to Language Arts. As grammar skills are introduced or as you review previously taught skills, you may utilize this book of sentences for additional classification or skill practice. Sentences are in large print and grouped by skill in this full-size, softcover booklet. This booklet covers multiple grade levels and is cross compatible with all editions of Shurley English. Sentence Booklets are not copy masters and may not be duplicated.

Shurley Instructional Materials (13)

Sentence Booklet: Extra Practice Key

Levels 1-6

The Sentence Booklet Key is a companion product to the Shurley English Sentence Booklet. The answer keys from the Sentence Booklet have been conveniently placed together in a full-size, softcover book, making it easy to check student pages. This booklet covers multiple grade levels and is cross compatible with all editions of Shurley English.

Shurley Instructional Materials (2025)


What is the Shurley method of writing? ›

The Writing Section: The Shurley Method teaches the foundation of sentence composition: how to write a sentence, how to improve and expand a sentence, and then how to combine sentences into paragraphs.

What are the 5 instructional materials? ›

Types of instructional materials
PrintTextbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides, manuals, blackboard and whiteboard
VisualCharts, real objects, photographs, transparencies
AudiovisualSlides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television, video, multimedia, DVDs
Electronic InteractiveComputers, graphing calculators, tablets
1 more row

Is shurley English a good curriculum? ›

When it comes down to it, Shurley is very effective for teaching grammar basics. However, the journey can sometimes be painful. Students are asked to fill out chart after chart and look up obscure rules. I think my third grader had over 30 punctuation rules he was supposed to know.

Is Shurley English religious? ›

Note: Bible-related activities, writing assignments, and sentences with a religious tone are found in some levels of the Shurley English Homeschool curriculum. They are optional and are intended as bonus activities.

How many lessons are in Shurley English? ›

The Shurley Grammar curriculum provides targeted instruction in grammar only. This edition contains 75 lessons per level that can be taught over the course of the year or in an abbreviated manner as an intensive course.

What is pattern 4 Shurley English? ›

In Pattern 4, we use a linking verb instead of an action verb. The linking verb links the subject noun to the noun that comes after the linking verb. A noun after a linking verb is a predicate noun (PrN).

What are the most used instructional materials? ›

These may include any textbooks and workbooks used in the classroom. For example, language arts classrooms almost always have literature textbooks, writing textbooks, and even vocabulary and spelling workbooks. More innovative materials may include charts, maps, videos, images, diagrams and flashcards.

Is PPT an instructional material? ›

No matter which side you take, PowerPoint does offer effective ways to enhance instruction when used and designed appropriately. PowerPoint can be an effective tool to present material in the classroom and encourage student learning.

What is the TLM method of teaching? ›

TLM is an acronym used for Teaching Learning Materials. The TLM is a spectrum of educational materials that teacher uses in the classroom to support specific learning objectives, to help students improve or reinforce special skills and sometimes to make learning fun.

What are the patterns of the Shurley method? ›

Shurley Method Patterns

(The Shurley Method abbreviations are listed on Page 7.) Pattern 1: SN V (Main parts: subject noun and verb.) Pattern 2: SN V-t DO (Main parts: subject noun, verb-transitive, and direct object.) Pattern 3: SN V-t IO DO (Main parts: subject noun, verb-transitive, indirect object, direct object.)

What is the best curriculum for dyslexia? ›

Many reading programs include influences from Orton-Gillingham. Orton-Gillingham was the first teaching approach that was designed to specifically help struggling readers learn the connections between letters and sounds. Its multisensory approach has proven to be highly effective for dyslexic students.

Which English curriculum is best? ›

Considering Global Universities: If you're open to universities worldwide, particularly in the United States, the IB curriculum is often highly favoured. Its comprehensive, well-rounded approach is appreciated by many top-tier universities.

Is the Shurley method still used? ›

Today, our company has an expansive line of Language Arts curriculum including the fourth edition of the Shurley English series for public schools, a targeted grammar program, and a Spanish to English ELL curriculum.

How does Shurley English work? ›

With Shurley English, students learn many skills to help them master language concepts. They are given specific techniques to learn not only the concept, but also the entire thought process necessary to apply the concept. Skills taught include vocabulary, mechanics, usage, editing, and sentence work.

Does the Catholic Church allow English Bibles? ›

After Tyndale's Bible gained favor in England the Catholic Church authorized its own English Bible, the Douay-Rheims Bible in 1582. John Wycliffe is credited with producing the first complete translation of the Bible into English in 1382. Before that, many had translated large portions of the Bible into English.

What is the Cleo method of writing? ›

7 Tips for Writing Clearly and Concisely
  1. Embrace brevity. ...
  2. Use words you fully understand. ...
  3. Use technical terms sparingly. ...
  4. Write in the active voice. ...
  5. Use qualifiers and intensifiers judiciously. ...
  6. Vary sentence length. ...
  7. Watch out for nominalizations.
Aug 23, 2021

What is the best writing method? ›

Follow these eight writing tips for improving your style:
  • Be direct in your writing. ...
  • Choose your words wisely. ...
  • Short sentences are more powerful than long sentences. ...
  • Write short paragraphs. ...
  • Always use the active voice. ...
  • Review and edit your work. ...
  • Use a natural, conversational tone. ...
  • Read famous authors.
Sep 23, 2022

What is the gardener method of writing? ›

The gardener is aptly called so because of the way they allow their stories to progress. After having a “seedling” of an idea, they “water” and tend to this idea, letting it grow on its own. This type of writer relies a lot on their emotions to write, allowing them to do the work.

What is the 3 step writing method? ›

The three-step writing process entails planning, writing and completing a message so it has a clear purpose, will reach the receiver effectively and meet their needs.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Phone: +68218650356656

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.